jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Euphorbe d'Abyssinie

Post-mortem examination of people killed by Euphorbia latex has revealed severe inflammation of the walls of the stomach and intestine and in some cases the wall of the stomach has been perforated. The poison is called euphorbon about which little is known. There is no doubt about it. Many plants in the family Euphorbiaceae are dangerous if you handle them carelessly. In some cases, just one drop of latex on your skin can cause a rash the severity of which depends on how each individual reacts to it. If the white, milky latex touches a cut or sore or squirts into your eyes, you are courting trouble of major proportions. The name Euphorbia is considered by many in South Africa as synonymous with poison.
Euphorbia abyssinica This plant is considered poisonous and has been used for homicidal purposes. In central Africa the latex is used as a purgative and as a caustic on skin lesions. On the other hand neither the latex nor the watery extract from it is toxic to guinea pigs when given by mouth.

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